Resource-based economy: a future without wars, poverty and crime

A resource-based economy (RBE) is a model in which all goods and services are available without the use of money, based on universal access to resources and their rational use. This concept was popularized by Jacques Fresco as part of the Venus Project and suggests that with sufficient technological development and global cooperation, society can provide a high standard of living for all without wars, poverty, and crime.

Basic principles of RBE:

  • Global partnership is the recognition of all natural resources as the common heritage of mankind.
  • Robotization and automation means freeing people from routine work and redistributing labor.
  • Technological development – the use of advanced technologies to manage resources and increase efficiency.
  • Lack of ownership – public access to all resources and services.
  • Smart and green cities – creating environmentally friendly and self-sufficient urban systems.
  • Science as a methodology is the application of a scientific approach to solve social problems.

The resource-based economy offers a model of the future where technology and global cooperation can lead to a world without war, poverty, and crime. However, the realization of such a model requires significant technological development and changes in social structures.

Prospects for RBE:

Resource-based economics offers a rethinking of traditional economic systems, where the focus is not on money circulation but on the management and distribution of resources. This is an approach that can dramatically change social relations and the structure of society.

Technologies and innovations

IIn the world of RBE, technology plays a key role. It enables the most efficient use of resources, minimizing waste and pollution. Innovations in renewable energy, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence can make production more autonomous and less dependent on human labor.

Education and culture

In the Resource-Based Economy (RBE), education plays a crucial role in nurturing critical thinking, creativity, and cooperation. Similarly, the cultural landscape within the RBE should prioritize the dissemination of knowledge and foster respect for both nature and society.

Policy and management

In the context of the Resource-Based Economy (RBE), governance necessitates a novel approach where decisions are founded on scientific data and methodologies, rather than political interests. This may entail the utilization of algorithms to optimize resource allocation and infrastructure management.


The Resource-Based Economy (RBE) presents an alternative pathway for human development, entailing profound transformations across various spheres of life, spanning from technology to social interactions. Despite encountering numerous hurdles on the journey towards such a future, the principles of RBE hold the potential to serve as a solution to the myriad challenges confronting modern society.

At the forefront of our organization’s initiatives lies a monumental endeavor: the production of a feature film aimed at elucidating the benefits of a resource-based economy and addressing the fundamental question of how humanity can overcome prevalent issues such as warfare, poverty, crime, environmental degradation, and economic disparity.

Through a compelling narrative, the film will depict a series of plausible scenarios wherein humanity navigates towards prosperity and abundance.

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